Article 1 - NAME
The name of this organization shall be the Philadelphia Area
Rocketry Association. (PARA)
Article 2 – PURPOSE
The Philadelphia Area Rocketry Association shall have as its
purpose the promotion and development of sport and
competition model rocketry, and furtherance of the aims and
policies of the National Association of Rocketry (NAR). This
organization shall be maintained as a chartered section of
the NAR.
Article 3 – MEMBERSHIP
The membership of the Philadelphia Area Rocketry Association
shall include, but is not restricted to, those persons
residing in the area broadly described as the “greater
Philadelphia area”. Interested persons residing outside of
this area are also welcome.
Article 4 – MEETINGS
The Philadelphia Area Rocketry Association shall hold
quarterly meetings at a time and place made known to all
club members. Most business, discussions, and transmittal of
information to members can be conducted through email.
The principle officers of the club shall form the Leadership
Board. The membership of the leadership board shall consist
of the President, Vice-President, Administrator, Secretary,
Treasurer, and Web-Page Editor. These individuals shall be
at least 18 years of age. These individuals shall be jointly
responsible for the normal operations of the club.
Responsibilities of the Leadership Board include but are not
limited to: Maintaining NAR charter, maintaining appropriate
FAA waiver(s), adherence to NAR safety codes, applicable
laws and general conduct rules, LCO/RSO duty at launches,
maintaining, storage and transport of launch equipment,
maintaining membership records, maintaining website,
maintaining club monies and meeting financial obligations,
educational outreach, and maintaining site-owner relations.
The terms of all officers of the Leadership board shall be
for 1year beginning January 1st and ending December 31st.
Nominations of officers shall take place in September.
Current officers are automatically nominated unless they are
unable to serve in the next term. Election of any contested
officer positions will take place at the October launch with
ballots being accepted by email. Only Adult, current members
may cast a ballot. General membership will be notified of
elected officers via email. The elected officer’s terms
shall start the following calendar year. Any vacating office
holder shall provide necessary information and resources to
their successor to ensure the smooth continuance of club
functions. Officers can be removed for cause by majority
vote of the other members of the leadership board.
Article 7 – LAUNCHES
Club launches shall be held on a monthly basis, weather
permitting. The time and date of all launches and rain dates
shall be made known to the general membership via email and
the general public via the webpage. All persons flying
rockets at these launches must be members of PARA.
Membership dues are due at the beginning of each calendar
year and launch fees are due at the time of monthly launch.
All launches are to be made in adherence to NAR safety codes
and applicable regulations. All rockets must be submitted to
the RSO for safety inspection prior to launchpad assignment.
The RSO has final say on which rockets will be permitted to
be launched.
Any member that violates the range rules or engages in
misconduct at a launch or other function of the club will be
asked to leave. Grievous or repeated misconduct can result
in membership being revoked by majority vote of the
Leadership Board. Membership dues and launch fees are
Article 9 – REVISION of BYLAWS
Existing Bylaws shall be made known on the club website. Any
member of the Leadership Board may propose a revision to the
existing bylaws. Proposed revisions shall be submitted to
the other officers of the board for consideration and
comment. The members of the Leadership Board shall provide
feedback as to concurrence or disagreement with the proposed
changes. If no disagreement is made, the changes are to be
communicated to the Web-page editor by the President. If
disagreement is raised, then the leadership board is to
engage the issue to resolve the disagreement until
resolution. Dates of last revision to bylaws shall be listed
on the club website.
[Revised 09/10/14] |